
The ankh is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that represents the concept of life, both in a physical and eternal sense. The symbol resembles a looped cross with a handle, and it is commonly depicted in Egyptian art, often being held by gods and goddesses.


Egyptian culture
Eternal life, life, vitality
Protect from harm, ward off evil spirits.



The word “ankh” is derived from the Egyptian language and means “life” or “breath of life”.


The ankh symbol has a long history of usage in ancient Egyptian religion, art, and culture. It is believed to have originated during the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150–2613 BCE) and continued to be used throughout the Pharaonic Period (c. 3150–30 BCE) and beyond.

In ancient Egyptian religion, the ankh was closely associated with the gods and goddesses who were believed to hold the power of eternal life. It was often depicted being held by these deities, such as Isis, Osiris, and Horus, as a symbol of their divine authority and ability to grant eternal life to their followers.

The ankh was also used as a hieroglyphic symbol in writing, where it represented the concept of life or vitality. It was commonly used in inscriptions and tomb decorations to convey ideas such as “may you have a long life” or “may you live forever.”

In addition to its religious and symbolic significance, the ankh was also used as a practical tool in everyday life. It was sometimes worn as an amulet or carried as a charm for protection and good fortune. It was also used in medical contexts, where it was believed to have healing properties and was used as a symbol of the medical profession.

Today, the ankh continues to be a popular symbol in modern spirituality and culture, where it is often associated with ideas such as health, well-being, and vitality. It remains an enduring symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization and its rich cultural heritage.

The ankh was a symbol of significant importance in ancient Egyptian religion and was often used as an amulet or talisman for protection and good fortune. It was also associated with the god Osiris, who was the ruler of the afterlife and represented resurrection and eternal life.


The ankh symbol and amulets were used in a variety of ways in ancient Egypt for various purposes, and their use evolved over time.

One of the primary uses of the ankh symbol was as a symbol of life and vitality. It was often depicted being held by gods and goddesses and was used in writing to represent the concept of life. The ankh was also believed to have protective properties and was often used as an amulet or talisman to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm.

The ankh amulet was typically made of various materials, including gold, silver, and stone, and could be worn as jewelry or carried in a pouch or satchel. They were often inscribed with protective spells and symbols, making them even more potent as protective objects.

Ankh amulets were also used in funerary contexts. They were placed in the tombs of the deceased as a symbol of their hope for eternal life and as a means of protection during their journey through the afterlife. In this context, the ankh was often placed in the hands of the mummified body or depicted on the sarcophagus or tomb walls.

In addition to their use as amulets, the ankh and other symbols were also used in temple and ritual contexts. They were often used in the performance of religious ceremonies and were believed to hold great power and significance.

Today, the ankh symbol and amulets continue to be popular in modern spirituality and are often used as symbols of health, well-being, and vitality. They are also used in fashion and jewelry, where they are appreciated for their beauty and rich cultural history.


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